Saturday, January 30, 2010

still working on it...

Well, I guess it might be a good thing that I don't have hundreds of followers yet, because I would lose them by now out of them being bored of my infrequency! HA! Sorry - to those who are my loyal first followers, as my start is more of a struggle than I ever thought it would be.

Here is the good news...I have been at least trying. But going out to actually look for RAoK is tougher than I thought it would be. My son and I went to the mall and dedicated some time in looking for some opportunities, but the ideas I had, he said, would be Random Acts of Awkwardness! And that is not my goal! TOO FUNNY!

In talking about this at work, people are asking me how this is going and I've been very honest in saying, especially in winter months, it is difficult. They agreed that summer months should be FAR easier to do a bunch of RAoK at a time, and I can't wait! One suggestion some wonderful girls at work had was to make some kind of item (blankets, scarves, etc) and bring them to a place where people are in need, like a cancer unit, a women's shelter, or some place. That will be fun to do!

Another wonderful thing that has already come of this is that people are talking about it! The simple fact that it is making an impact on some people to do a random act themselves, or coming up with thoughtful ideas is already causing positive energy to spread.

***Making little ripples of kindness in the world is going to cause a tidal wave of happy people.***

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